Apps Archives - Panda Security All the info about your cybersecurity Fri, 26 Apr 2024 10:26:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Apps Archives - Panda Security 32 32 Hackers outsmart smart locks Fri, 26 Apr 2024 10:26:51 +0000 hackers-outsmart-smart-locks

A group of security researchers has uncovered a concerning security flaw in certain hotel keycard systems. Nicknamed ‘Unsaflok’, their technique uses vulnerabilities in a specific…

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A group of security researchers has uncovered a concerning security flaw in certain hotel keycard systems. Nicknamed ‘Unsaflok’, their technique uses vulnerabilities in a specific brand of RFID-based keycard locks commonly used in hotels worldwide to ‘trick’ a smartlock into opening for an unauthorized user. Exploiting this security weakness means that anyone with the right equipment could break in and rob hotel guests.

How does the hack work?

The Unsaflok technique exploits weaknesses in encryption protocols and RFID technology used by these keycard systems. By obtaining any keycard from a target hotel and using a relatively affordable RFID read-write device, hackers create two keycards. Tapping the first card overwrites certain settings stored in the target lock itself. The second then unlocks the door, allowing the hacker to gain access. Shockingly, this process takes less than 30 seconds.

Even more concerning is that the compromised cards will also unlock the door’s deadbolt.

Am I in danger?

Clearly this is a serious problem, particularly when you realize that the affected locks are installed on millions of hotel room doors across the world. The security of guest rooms, hotel property, and guest safety could be threatened. And all it takes is two taps of compromised keycards.

The hacking group who ‘discovered’ this technique have chosen not to publicly disclose full details of the exploit. Instead they have worked with the manufacturer of the affected door locks to develop a fix which has proven to be effective.

There is one potential problem however – every single door lock must be visited and updated. Each affected hotel will also need to upgrade their keycard management system software.

While the manufacturer is actively working on mitigating these vulnerabilities, only a fraction of installed systems have been updated. Hotels and their guests continue to be at risk until the updates have been rolled out.

How can I protect myself against Unsaflok?

Whenever you check into a hotel for the first time, take a look at the lock on your door. If there is a wavy line across the round RFID reader, the lock may be vulnerable. You may also consider using a security tool like the NFC Taginfo app which can “read” your keycard and identify if it is still vulnerable to Unsaflok-like attacks. 

You should also follow the usual precautionary measures such as securing valuables in the hotel safe. When you are inside your room, use any additional door locks and chains if they are provided. And if your keycard is lost or stolen, report the incident to hotel reception as soon as possible.

The Unsaflok revelation serves as a reminder of the evolving nature of cybersecurity threats. It should also remind travelers of the importance of remaining vigilant to avoid becoming the victim of crime.

Read also: Data Privacy: A Guide for Individuals & Families

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What is the U.S. Cyber Trust Mark? Wed, 17 Apr 2024 07:46:33 +0000 what-is-the-us-cyber-trust-mark

Consumers in the U.S. will soon see IoT devices sold with a strange little logo on the box called the U.S. Cyber Trust Mark. The…

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Consumers in the U.S. will soon see IoT devices sold with a strange little logo on the box called the U.S. Cyber Trust Mark. The label will be the equivalent of the Energy Star logo but for cybersecurity-conscious customers. It will be in the shape of a midlevel shield with a string of connected squares on it.  

While the Energy Star logo gives confidence to buyers who care about the environment, the U.S. Cyber Trust Mark will aim to provide the same peace of mind for tech junkies who want to make sure that the products they buy are built to the highest cyber security standards. 

The need for trustworthy products

Differentiating trustworthy products in the marketplace has never been more critical. As experts believe there will be approximately 30 billion connected devices globally by the end of this decade.

Implementation and standards

The first logo appearances will be on wireless consumer IoT products that meet the program’s cybersecurity standards. Also will be accompanied by a QR code explaining the details of the security of the product they are purchasing. 

Connected devices that have met the robust FCC cyber security standards will proudly display the U.S. Cyber Trust Mark on their packaging, with the first logo sightings expected this year. The government hopes this will protect hard-working families from buying products that are not cyber-secure enough. 

Government initiatives and industry participation

The new label program encourages large manufacturers of connected devices, retailers, and federal partners to take advantage of the new logo and proudly display it on products that meet FCC’s cyber security standards. The logo display is voluntary. But the FCC hopes that with time, more and more consumers will demand it from manufacturers. And the program will get mass adoption. Compliance testing, which would allow manufacturers to legally include the cyber security logo on products, will be done by accredited labs.

Combatting Cyber Threats

Over the last few years, many high-profile attacks have come from armies of unsecured IoT devices. Mainly consisting of compromised home security cameras, WiFi routers, fitness trackers, and other connected devices released to consumers with cyber security holes and inadequate tech support. 

Hackers use IoT botnets of infected devices to launch DDoS attacks that often disrupt federal and private business organizations. In most cases, consumers don’t even know that the products they use at home or work are infected.  And part of bot armies terrorizing different targets worldwide. 

The U.S. government hopes that the new logo and companies’ efforts to obtain it will tackle botnets and decrease the number of devices with weak cyber security reaching the hands of U.S. consumers.

Read also: Cybersecurity survey: 36% of Europeans don’t even have an IoT device

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Rewards For Justice offers up to $10 million reward for info on ALPHV BlackCat hacker group leaders Wed, 10 Apr 2024 07:50:04 +0000 rewards-for-justice-offers-reward-for-info-on-alphv-blackcat-hacker-group-leaders

Rewards For Justice (RFJ), a U.S. government interagency rewards program. Offers up to $10 million reward for any information that could lead to the identification…

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Rewards For Justice (RFJ), a U.S. government interagency rewards program. Offers up to $10 million reward for any information that could lead to the identification or location of any person from the ALPHV cyber gang, also known as BlackCat, who attacks U.S. critical infrastructure.

The reward offered by the intelligence-driven law enforcement government program is similar to what the RFJ provides for information about high-profile Yemeni and Saudi terrorist elements and al-Qa’ida members.

Targeting critical infrastructure and the change healthcare attack

The U.S. government takes attacks on critical infrastructure very seriously. As such activities violate the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA). RFJ’s sudden attention to the cyber gang is likely a response to the recent cyberattack on UnitedHealth’s sub-company Change Healthcare. Affiliates of the hacker organization stole approximately six terabytes of data during a security incident earlier this year.

Change Healthcare operates the largest financial and administrative information exchange in the United States and was hit by bad actors in February 2024. The attack was massive and disruptive, with some partner healthcare providers claiming to lose upwards of $100 million per day because of the breach. Even though many believe UnitedHealth paid a $22 million ransom to the hackers, the health insurance company is still dealing with the fallout after the attack and is working on processing over $14 billion in claims.

BlackCat: A RaaS gang behind major attacks

BlackCat, also known as ALPHV and Noberus, is a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) cyber gang. And it has been somehow connected to some of the most significant ransomware attacks over the last few years. The popular cyber gang provides its ransomware malicious code to affiliates, who then attack organizations for monetary gain. Affiliates of the popular cyber gang were behind the attack on Reddit and the breaches of MGM Resorts International and Caesars Entertainment.

In an eyebrow-raising twist, the affiliates responsible for the UnitedHealth heist might have been scammed out of the money themselves. As soon after BlackCat confirmed receipt of the $22 million ransom, decided to pull an exit scam and run away with the digital funds, as the group now displays a fake banner saying that the FBI and other criminal agencies have seized the server. Usually, after a victim pays a ransom, the BlackCat gang splits the money with the affiliates who executed the attack. But in this case, the BlackCat decided not to split the payment and move on with their lives. Essentially scamming the people who pulled out the heist.

Read also: FBI makes a move against ALPHV/Blackcat, the cybergang fights back

Unmasking BlackCat: RFJ seeks information

The location of the gang leaders and the affiliates associated with the attack remains unknown. U.S. government agencies hope that the $10 million reward offered by RFJ will help law enforcement agencies finally have a breakthrough on the criminal organization. Organization that has been torturing both government and private organizations in the U.S. and abroad for years.

The scope of the hacker organization’s attacks is so massive and sophisticated. Because of that, RFJ believes the RaaS organization is likely acting under the direction or control of a foreign government. However, the RFJ reward notice does not name specific countries that could be supporting the ALPHV BlackCat hacker group.

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A new smart home security standard is coming Mon, 08 Apr 2024 08:08:23 +0000 a-new-smart-home-security-standard-is-coming

A new smart home security standard is due to launch in the second half of this year. That’s according to a recent announcement by the…

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A new smart home security standard is due to launch in the second half of this year. That’s according to a recent announcement by the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA), the organization behind the cross-platform “Matter” smart home technology.

This new, voluntary framework will allow smart home/IoT manufacturers to have their devices tested and certified for compliance against a common security standard. Devices that pass the certification testing will then be awarded the Product Security Verified (PSV) Mark.

Building trust in IoT

Security professionals have been warning about the potential risks associated with insecure smart home devices for several years. Indeed, the Panda Security blog has covered the issue of weak smart home security several times in the past.

This announcement from the Connectivity Standards Alliance is welcome news. Although the standard remains voluntary, it shows a willingness from manufacturers to take the issue of household security seriously. It also means that consumers will find it much easier to choose products that have been certified as meeting a certain standard of security.

What does the new standard mean?

In the US, there is already a ‘Cyber Trust Mark’ security standard that manufacturers can apply for. The new PSV mark seeks to go further by taking the US guidelines and combining similar requirements from other countries, such as Singapore and Europe.

In this way the CSA hopes to deliver a single security specification that can be quickly adopted and endorsed by governments across the world. Should this happen, manufacturers will have to complete only one certification process to sell their devices into multiple markets.

Encouragingly, the PSV mark has already been recognized by the government of Singapore. And the CSA has also announced they are in talks with authorities in the USA, EU and UK about endorsing the mark. Some reports suggest that these agreements are already almost complete.

What does the PSV Mark require?

Most of the basic PSV certification requirements are sensible – and much needed. To earn the mark, certified devices must: 

  • Have a unique identity for each IoT Device
  • Not use hardcoded default passwords
  • Ensure the device securely stores any sensitive data
  • Security-relevant information communications must also secure/encrypt
  • Throughout the support period, the provider must supply secure software updates
  • Organizations must secure development processes against supply chain attacks, including vulnerability management
  • Documentation regarding security and the manufacturer support period must be published publicly. 

Most reputable vendors should already adhere to most of these requirements. However, the PSV Mark enables consumers to know exactly what they are getting when buying a new smart device.

As vocal advocates of increased privacy and security, Panda Security welcomes the new PSV Mark and look forward to its imminent release.

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The Internet just changed – did you notice? Mon, 01 Apr 2024 08:00:51 +0000 the-internet-just-changed-did-you-notice

Late last year, the Digital Services Act (DSA) came into force across the European Union. Initially the DSA applied only to the very largest online…

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Late last year, the Digital Services Act (DSA) came into force across the European Union. Initially the DSA applied only to the very largest online services like Facebook and Google, forcing them to institute safeguards against malicious content and several other important factors.

However, as of February, the DSA now applies to any online service that is used by EU citizens. Under the legislation providers must:

  • Describe their content moderation practices in their terms and conditions and publish annual transparency reports on content moderation practices.
  • Clearly identify online advertising including the advertiser and sponsor.
  • Not deliver targeted advertising by profiling children or based on special categories of personal data such as ethnicity, political views or sexual orientation.
  • Not use certain nudging techniques or deceiving practices that impair a user’s ability to make free choices on how they interact with a platform.
  • Provide information about how their recommendation systems work when displaying targeted information to users.
  • Provide information about the traders offering goods or services via online marketplaces that they operate.

Every company?

Yes. If a company offers digital services to EU citizens, they must adhere to these new rules. They are expected to set up complaints procedures and define how disputes will be resolved out-of-court. They must also cooperate with trusted flaggers (appointed by the governments of EU member states), take measures against abusive notices, deal with complaints and check the credentials of third-party suppliers. Failure to meet DSA obligations could see companies fined as much as 6% of their worldwide annual turnover.

Only the smallest companies are exempt from the Digital Services Act – those employing fewer than 50 persons and whose annual turnover and/or annual balance sheet total does not exceed €10 million.

What does this mean for users?

Since the DSA came into force, you may have noticed a number of apps and websites are asking you to confirm updated terms of service. Others, particularly Facebook, are prompting users to accept (or reject) personalized ads on their timelines.

Although a little annoying, these pop-ups offer a rare opportunity to regain some control over your privacy and personal data. If you are concerned about either, you should use this opportunity to ‘opt out’ of the data collection routines employed by big tech companies.

Two other things to note

There are two other important DSA issues to note. First, any company serving EU citizens must abide by the act, even if they are not based in the European Union.

Second, any businesses will make changes to their systems that apply EU rules to all users. However, non-EU citizens may not be able to make use of some of the additional features, such as dispute resolution mechanisms.

As things stand, DSA roll-out remains quite slow. And many EU members states are not yet ready to assume their responsibilities under the Act. Which means that we will see many more changes in the near future.

Read also: European cybersecurity that protects the world

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UK Cybercrime agency warns AI will turbocharge hacking Wed, 27 Mar 2024 17:05:20 +0000 uk-cybercrime-agency-warns-ai-turbocharge-hacking

The UK’s National Centre for Cyber Security (NCSC) is warning that Artificial Intelligence tools are set to power a new wave of cybercrime. According to…

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The UK’s National Centre for Cyber Security (NCSC) is warning that Artificial Intelligence tools are set to power a new wave of cybercrime. According to their predictions, AI tools will allow hackers of all abilities to ‘do’ more. Which will create a surge in attacks in the near term.

Experienced hackers get smarter with AI

Building on their existing knowledge of AI and cybersecurity, experienced hackers are expected to use artificial intelligence in most of their criminal enterprises. Perhaps more worrying is the prediction that there will be increased activity in virtually every cybersecurity threat area – particularly social engineering, new malware development and data theft.

The NCSC is also warning that well-resourced criminal gangs will be able to build their own AI models to generate malware that can evade detection by current security filters. However, because this requires access to quality exploit data and samples of existing malware to ‘train’ the system. These activities will likely be restricted to major players, like nation states engaging in cyber warfare.

Novice hackers get started with AI

One of the most useful aspects of generative AI and large language models (LLM) like ChatGPT and DALL-E is that anyone can use them to produce good quality content. However, the same applies to malicious AI – virtually anyone can use them to create effective cybersecurity exploits.

The NCSC warning suggests that low-skill hackers, opportunists and hacktivists may begin using AI tools to engage in cybercrime. Of particular concern is the use of AI for social engineering attacks. Designed to steal passwords and other sensitive personal data. Experts caution that tools like ChatGPT can generate text for phishing emails for instance, allowing virtually anyone to launch a moderately effective campaign for minimal cost.

It is at this low-end of the scale where there is likely to be the greatest uplift in criminal activity between now and the end of 2025.

What about AI safeguards?

Most generative AI systems include safeguards to prevent users from generating malicious code or the like. You cannot use ChatGPT to write a ransomware exploit for instance.

However, free and Open Source artificial intelligence engines do exist. And highly skilled, well-funded hacking groups have already built their own safeguard-free AI models. With access to the ‘right’ training data, these models are more than capable of creating malware and the like.

It is important to realize that AI will not bring about a cybercrime apocalypse on its own. The tools used by hackers are unable to develop entirely new exploits. They can only use their training to refine and improve existing techniques. Most AI “powered” attacks in the coming months will simply be updates to exploits we already encounter every day. Humans are still an integral part of identifying and building new threats.

Be prepared

There is likely to be a surge in attacks in the next year, so it pays to be prepared. Download a free trial of Panda Dome and ensure that your devices are protected against current and future threats today.

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The Online Safety Act: new digital offences in the UK Mon, 25 Mar 2024 11:18:51 +0000 the-online-safety-act-uk

The UK’s long-awaited Online Safety Act has finally come into force, bringing with it a raft of new digital offences. We have written about the…

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The UK’s long-awaited Online Safety Act has finally come into force, bringing with it a raft of new digital offences. We have written about the Act a few times in the past, so here is a quick rundown of what has changed now it has become law.

Cyberflashing is outlawed

According to research, 76% of women aged 18 or younger have been sent unsolicited nude pictures. Clearly this is distressing and offensive for women of any age – and so the crime of cyberflashing has been introduced. 

Therefore, it is now illegal to send unsolicited nude images to anyone in the UK. Any offender who aims to cause distress and humiliation or seek sexual gratification will face up to two years behind bars.

Landmark epilepsy trolling crime introduced

An all-new offence called “Zach’s Law” has been introduced to the statute books to criminalize epilepsy trolling. Epilepsy trolling involves sending flashing images and videos to a victim in the hope of triggering a seizure in the recipient.

The law has been names after Zach Eagling who was targeted by epilepsy trolls after uploading a fundraising video to the Epilepsy Society’s Twitter account. Zach, and many other epilepsy sufferers were flooded with triggering images in the following days.

The Online Safety Act is the first time epilepsy trolling has been specifically criminalized anywhere in the world. Trolls now face prison sentences if they are caught and prosecuted.

Revenge porn laws tightened

Revenge porn – leaking nude photos of an ex-lover online without their permission – has always been illegal in the UK. However, the new Online Safety Act has closed some loopholes, offering victims greater protections.

Again, offenders face jail time if caught distributing non-consensual photographs online.

Sharing false information

In an attempt to slow or prevent the spread of fake news, the OCA introduces another new crime. It is now illegal to share false information online with the intention of causing physical or psychological harm. Penalties will be especially severe for anyone found to be specifically targeting children with malicious fake information.

New advertising protections

Internet service providers are now required to operate their services using proportionate systems and processes designed to prevent and swiftly remove fraudulent advertising. This crackdown will help to make the internet safer, prevent so many people being duped and increase trust in online transactions.

The new law also requires influencers to declare payment for promoting products. Failure to make these disclosures could mean that influencers could face higher penalties for breaching requirements.

Making the internet safer for all

Questions about privacy aside, the Online Safety Act is intended to make the internet a safer place for everyone. By introducing new crimes and strengthening legislation, the government has set out to close some of the loopholes and limitations of existing laws.

The new law is still ‘bedding in’, so it may be some time before UK citizens notice any major changes or benefits. However, in many ways, this is a step in the right direction – particularly for young and vulnerable people.

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The UK’s Online Safety Act: a breakdown of key changes Mon, 18 Mar 2024 08:05:23 +0000 uk-online-safety-act-breackdown-changes

The UK’s long-awaited Online Safety Act has finally come into force, bringing with it a raft of new digital offences. We have written about the…

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The UK’s long-awaited Online Safety Act has finally come into force, bringing with it a raft of new digital offences. We have written about the Act a few times in the past, so here is a quick rundown of what has changed now it has become law.

Cyberflashing is outlawed

According to research, 76% of women aged 18 or younger have been sent unsolicited nude pictures. Clearly this is distressing and offensive for women of any age – and so the crime of cyberflashing has been introduced. 

Therefore, it is now illegal to send unsolicited nude images to anyone in the UK. Any offender who aims to cause distress and humiliation or seek sexual gratification will face up to two years behind bars.

Landmark epilepsy trolling crime introduced

An all-new offence called “Zach’s Law” has been introduced to the statute books to criminalize epilepsy trolling. Epilepsy trolling involves sending flashing images and videos to a victim in the hope of triggering a seizure in the recipient.

The law has been names after Zach Eagling who was targeted by epilepsy trolls after uploading a fundraising video to the Epilepsy Society’s Twitter account. Zach, and many other epilepsy sufferers were flooded with triggering images in the following days.

The Online Safety Act is the first time epilepsy trolling has been specifically criminalized anywhere in the world. Trolls now face prison sentences if they are caught and prosecuted.

Revenge porn laws tightened

Revenge porn – leaking nude photos of an ex-lover online without their permission – has always been illegal in the UK. However, the new Online Safety Act has closed some loopholes, offering victims greater protections.

Again, offenders face jail time if caught distributing non-consensual photographs online.

Sharing false information

In an attempt to slow or prevent the spread of fake news, the OCA introduces another new crime. It is now illegal to share false information online with the intention of causing physical or psychological harm. Penalties will be especially severe for anyone found to be specifically targeting children with malicious fake information.

New advertising protections

Internet service providers are now required to operate their services using proportionate systems and processes designed to prevent and swiftly remove fraudulent advertising. This crackdown will help to make the internet safer, prevent so many people being duped and increase trust in online transactions.

The new law also requires influencers to declare payment for promoting products. Failure to make these disclosures could mean that influencers could face higher penalties for breaching requirements.

Making the internet safer for all

Questions about privacy aside, the Online Safety Act is intended to make the internet a safer place for everyone. By introducing new crimes and strengthening legislation, the government has set out to close some of the loopholes and limitations of existing laws.

The new law is still ‘bedding in’, so it may be some time before UK citizens notice any major changes or benefits. However, in many ways, this is a step in the right direction – particularly for young and vulnerable people.

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X introduces free audio and video calling Wed, 13 Mar 2024 11:59:52 +0000 X introduces free audio and video calling

The trendy social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, is continuing its total transformation. Elon Musk has finally brought free audio and video calling…

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The trendy social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, is continuing its total transformation. Elon Musk has finally brought free audio and video calling to all users. In the past, the feature was only available to paid subscribers. However, this is no longer the case, as every user can now use the new tools of the app, also known as the digital town square.

Enhanced control and privacy

The social media platform owned by billionaire Elon Musk offers easy control over who can make and receive calls. 

By default, users are only able to receive calls from accounts they follow or already belong in the recipient’s address book, which is shared with X. Managing both audio and video calls appears to be pretty straightforward. With a process very similar to what is already offered by competitive apps such as Meta’s Messenger.

X also provides enhanced call privacy. The feature allows users to hide their IP address and use the new services safely without unnecessarily revealing sensitive information to the person at the other end of the call. The calling features are available to both iOS and Android users.

Customizable call settings

The new voice and video calling features can be easily switched off if users prefer not to use the app for calls. X users can go to Settings and Support, hit Privacy and Safety, and open Direct Messages. There, users can manage who can message directly and adjust who can do audio and video calls.

The calls can be received by everyone or can be adjusted in different layers, such as contacts in the address book, followers, verified users, etc. 

Competition and reception

The app’s new features mean that X now competes directly with other voice apps. For example Viber, Skype, Telegram, and Meta’s WhatsApp and Messenger. Many welcomed the free internet calls, making the social media giant even more appealing to users than before. 

However, this is not the only thing that makes X uniquely positioned. The revitalized app continues to hold the number one spot in the news app section of Apple’s App Store.

Elon Musk’s vision for X

The real-life Tony Stark hopes that X will revolutionize social media, become the most trusted news source thanks to citizen journalism, and be used as a mobile payment app, essentially transforming people’s financial lives. 

While the social media platform has seen some advancements since Elon Musk purchased it, X is not yet the app that the eccentric billionaire wants it to be. However, implementing call features certainly is an essential milestone in Elon’s quest to turn X into the desired ‘everything app.’  

Privacy concerns and solutions

And if social media enthusiasts are still concerned about privacy. They must ensure that antivirus software is installed on all connected devices. Often, those cyber protection solutions come with tools, that can hide IP addresses and keep things private. 

Read also: How to secure your Twitter account with 2FA

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How Much Data Does Streaming Use? + 5 Tips to Manage Data Tue, 12 Mar 2024 07:00:49 +0000 Woman sitting on a couch watching something on her tablet

Does your data allowance keep running out every month? It could be down to the way you stream songs and movies.

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In the age of digital abundance — where entertainment is just a click away — streaming has become the beating heart of our daily lives. In fact, according to Forbes, Americans spend an average of three hours and nine minutes a day streaming digital media.

Whether it’s binge-watching favorite shows on TV, battling opponents in mobile games, or vibing to the latest tunes, streaming helps us stay on top of it all.

But as we enjoy the instant gratification, it’s important to know how much data streaming uses to avoid data caps. Read on to understand streaming data usage and learn some tips to manage that usage.

Understanding Streaming Data Usage vs. Internet Speed

Data usage refers to the amount of data consumed during streaming (measured in gigabytes or gigabits), while internet speed is how fast that data is transferred.

Streaming refers to the seamless delivery of multimedia content over the internet. It encompasses video consumption (Netflix, YouTube), music (Spotify, Apple Music) and gaming (mobile gaming, cloud gaming platforms). 

Several factors influence data usage when streaming. Firstly, the resolution of the content plays a significant role. Higher resolutions (such as HD or 4K) require more data than lower resolutions (like standard definition). 

The bitrate — the amount of data processed per unit of time — also affects data usage. Content with higher bitrates generally results in increased data consumption. Another important factor that contributes to overall data usage is the duration of streaming sessions — the longer you stream, the more data you consume.

Popular Streaming Services + How Much Data They Consume

Let’s go over the data consumption rates of popular streaming services to help you make informed decisions about your entertainment habits. By knowing how much data different platforms consume at various video quality settings, you can optimize your experience to align with your data plans and preferences. 

Standard HD UHD (4K)
Amazon Prime Video 0.38 GB 1.4 GB 6.84 GB
Apple TV 0.3 GB 0.7 GB 2.3 GB
Disney+ 0.7 GB 2.0 GB 7.7 GB
FuboTV 1.2 GB 1.6 GB 7 GB
Hulu 0.65 GB 1.35 GB 7.2 GB
Max 2.25 GB 7.7 GB
Netflix 0.3 GB 1 GB 7 GB
Peacock 1.1 GB 7 GB
YouTube 480-660 MB 1.2-2.7 GB Up to 23 GB

How Much Data Does Streaming Music Use? 

Low-quality audio, best suited for talk radio services and podcasts, typically consumes 43.2 MB of data per hour. Average-quality audio streaming uses 115.2 MB per hour, which is suitable for listening to music, and audiobooks. High-quality audio consumes 144 MB, which is more suitable for a detailed listening experience, particularly noticeable for music genres with intricate instrumentation or nuanced vocals.

Graphic showing how much data different music streaming platforms use

Most services auto-adjust according to the quality of your network connection, so the actual usage will fluctuate slightly. For a mobile contract — which is a legally binding agreement between a mobile service provider (such as a telecommunications company) and a customer — that includes 2 GB of data, you can listen to 17 hours of high-quality music.

The amount of data used by each service like Spotify, Apple Music and Pandora varies based on the audio quality; the better the quality, the more data is used.

When streaming audio, conserve data by opting for lower-quality settings and downloading music for offline listening. Monitor your data usage regularly to avoid exceeding your plan limits.

How Much Data Does Streaming TV Use?

Streaming live TV can consume varying amounts of data depending on the video quality and duration of viewing. Here are some estimations of how much data streaming live TV typically uses at different definitions:

  • Standard definition (SD): approximately 0.7 GB to 1 GB per hour
  • High definition (HD): roughly 1.5 GB to 2.5 GB per hour
  • Ultra high definition (UHD/4K): around 7 GB to 10 GB per hour

When determining how much data you need to stream live TV, it’s essential to consider several factors that can impact data usage:

  • Number of devices: The number of devices streaming simultaneously can significantly impact data usage. Each device will consume data independently, so streaming on multiple devices will increase overall data usage. For example, if you have multiple family members watching live TV on different devices at the same time, the data consumption will be higher compared to streaming on a single device.
  • Quality of the stream: The quality of the stream, measured in terms of resolution (SD, HD, or UHD), directly affects data usage. Higher-resolution streams (HD or UHD) require more data than standard-definition (SD) streams. For instance, streaming a live TV show in HD will consume more data per hour than streaming the same content in SD.
  • Number of hours: The duration of streaming also plays a crucial role in determining data usage. The longer you stream live TV, the more data you will consume. It’s important to consider your daily viewing habits and estimate the total number of hours you spend streaming live TV to accurately assess your data needs.

How to Manage Streaming Data Usage

Whether you’re using mobile data on the move or enjoying Wi-Fi at home, understanding and controlling your data usage is essential to avoid unexpected charges and ensure a seamless streaming experience. In this section, we’ll explore practical tips to help you manage data usage on both Wi-Fi and mobile data.

Managing Streaming Data Usage on Wi-Fi

Let’s delve into some tips for managing streaming data that can also help you boost your Wi-Fi signal

  • Adjust router settings: Configure your router settings to prioritize certain devices or limit bandwidth for streaming devices to manage data usage effectively.
  • Use data-saving features: Some streaming services offer data-saving features or lower bitrate options specifically for Wi-Fi usage. Enable these features to reduce data consumption.
  • Turn off auto-play: Disable auto-play features in streaming apps or websites to prevent continuous streaming of content, which can consume excessive data.

Managing Streaming Data Usage on Mobile Data

Let’s explore practical tips to manage and save streaming data usage specifically when using mobile data.

  • Adjust video quality: Lower the video quality settings in streaming apps to reduce data consumption.
  • Download content: Download movies or episodes when connected to Wi-Fi to watch offline without using mobile data.
  • Limit background data: Restrict background data usage for streaming apps in your device settings to prevent automatic updates or downloads while on mobile data.
  • Monitor data usage: Keep track of your mobile data usage using your phone’s built-in data tracking feature or a third-party app.
  • Stream on Wi-Fi only: Set streaming apps to stream content only when connected to Wi-Fi to avoid using mobile data unintentionally.

If you find that your mobile data allowance is still disappearing more quickly than expected, this may be a sign that something else is wrong. Unexpected data usage often indicates the presence of malware installed on your smartphone or streaming device that is stealing data or being used in some kind of scam. 

You should download and install a trusted anti-malware tool like Panda’s free Antivirus for Android that can alert you to suspicious activity.

Graphic showing internet data used in 1 hour activity

Data Streaming FAQ

We’ve answered some of the most common data streaming questions below.

Does Streaming Use More Data Than Downloading?

Streaming typically uses more data than downloading because streaming involves continuous data transmission in real time. When you stream a movie or TV show, data is continuously transferred from the streaming service’s servers to your device as you watch, consuming data throughout the viewing session. In contrast, downloading involves transferring the entire file to your device upfront, after which no further data is consumed during playback.

How Many Gigs Do You Need to Stream a Movie?

To stream a two-hour-long movie, the approximate data consumption would be as follows:

  • In standard definition, you would need approximately 2 GB of data.
  • In high definition, you would need approximately 6 GB of data.
  • In 4K Ultra HD, you would need approximately 14 GB of data.

How Much Data Does 1 Hour of Video Streaming Consume?

On average, streaming video data usage for SD quality is around 0.7 to 1 GB of data per hour, while HD streaming can use approximately 1.5 to 2.5 GB of data per hour. 

UHD or 4K streaming typically consumes even more data, with estimates ranging from 7 to 10 GB per hour.

Elevate your streaming experience with the Panda Security VPN — ensure data privacy as you binge-watch your favorite shows.

The post How Much Data Does Streaming Use? + 5 Tips to Manage Data appeared first on Panda Security Mediacenter.

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